Change !

Posted: July 1, 2016 in Uncategorized

If you haven’t read the Innovator’s Mindset I highly recommend you do so. The book is inspiring and will change the way you view education.

Furthermore, I had the honor and privilege to attend ISTE in Denver last weekend. If you get the opportunity I highly recommend it, the conference will help reinforce why you became an educator. I truly believe that we are at a crossroads in regards to education. Michio Kaku, one of the keynote speakers at ISTE 2016,  said it best “Our educational system is excellent in terms of preparing students to live in the world of 1950. The only problem is we don’t live in 1950 anymore, that’s why we have to undergo a revolution in how we view education.”

Lastly, the only reason I could afford to attend ISTE was because I am one of the 2016 PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators. I had the pleasure of attending a two day summit with PBS and some amazing educators from around the country. It was a great experience which I will never forget. If you have a chance check out PBS LearningMedia it has some valuable resources which every educator should be utilizing.


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